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Nobu Matsui is a highly motivated designer who grew up in a small town in Japan. He is adventurous and enjoys experiencing new things. He always loved art classes at the school because of the process of making something tangible from nothing. One day he read a feature article in a magazine about Tom Ford, and the article actually changed his life. He was excited about designs which Tom Ford had done, and fascinated by how design communicates and inspires people. He studied Communication Design (graphic design) at PARSONS School of Design which is located in the heart of New York City, and graduated from the university with a Bachelors degree. After graduation he worked as a designer for a couple of companies in both New York and Tokyo. The last few years he worked for a lighting company in Tokyo, where he had opportunities to design lighting products as well as graphic design. This experience expanded his skills and knowledge of design. He has recently relocated to Adelaide, and enjoys the lifestyle, the culture and the nature which Australia offers. He is excited about his future in design in this new country